Saturday, 20 March 2010

task 7. looking back on your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to full product?

the process of planning our preliminary task was a lot easier and faster than planning our actual horror sequence. we were given a set stroyboard which we then had to shoot, planning took a couple of days. with our horror it took six weeks of planning to finally be ready to do our production. a lot of this time was spent making an idea and storyboards. we first needed to learn how to use cameras and we did this by shooting our prelim task, we took two actors and put them in a brickwall set in the studio. we then shot them from different angles experimenting with different shot types. we started producing a storyboard first draft after we came up with an idea. the shot types are relativelly easy to do but we had difficulty planning the time on each shot. and where the credits would come in. we went through many drafts of our horror production and the final draft was far from the same as our first draft.

editing my final project took about 4 weeks and involved staying afterschool on some nights we chose CU shots and ECU shots to conform with the thriller horror genre. we decided to experiment with a focus pull in our prelim which we then used in our final product. we looked at other horror movies to see that tension and shock make a good movie and we tried to create this through our shots and sound. when we were editing our sequence we had to choose between the short, fast shots and the relativelly long timed shots. we used a mixture of both to create the tension and anticipation that we did. this made it seem like a real thriller/horror production.

for sound we used folleys from soundtrack pro and edited them in, we used an eerie background noise to create tension through the sequence and use a silence at the end to put the audience on the edge of their seats the use of sound in our horror created tension and made our production seem like a real horror movie. in our preliminary task we used no sound apart from the ones recorded. in this one we cut sound, used folleys and crosscut screams and sound transitions. we added titles and credits last after we had edited our horror sequence. we put the titles in as they come in order in a real movie. we used made up production names and distributers like 'a storm cunningham' film these titles as white on a black background as in other horror movies this effect is used. we used no titles at all in our prlim sequence and overall we have greatly improved in the planning and overall production of our film sequence since the prelim task.

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